I've made a basic animation of a turning flower image blowing some leafs (leafs are imported video) from left to right. I've tried to output this animation as a .mp4 video but the render processing incator stays at 0% for hours and days on end before I decide to just discontinue the render. I've attached a screenshot of the output settings and render indicator for reference.
Any help on this will be much appreciated, thanks in advance
GDrive Link To Screenshots: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/ ... drive_link
Video Will Not Render
unfortunately I can't give you a suitable answer without seeing the project. If you want me to look at the animation, please send me the files packed as zip or rar file and upload them here for free https://wetransfer.com/ and send them to the e-mail address I send you via private message(PM).
Thank you.
unfortunately I can't give you a suitable answer without seeing the project. If you want me to look at the animation, please send me the files packed as zip or rar file and upload them here for free https://wetransfer.com/ and send them to the e-mail address I send you via private message(PM).
Thank you.