Post Moderation

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Posts: 2

Post Moderation

Post by electrochrisso »

Just wondering how long does it usually take for a post take to get moderated, perhaps the moderator is on holiday, I joined the forum and posted a reply to a question a few days ago and it still has not appeared.

If it usually takes this long or longer, I don't think I will bother posting anymore :(

All of the other many forums I am subscribed to it happens straight away.


Posts: 236

Post by ICR »

Hello Chris,
I have not found any other message by you.
You can write here your problem so i can help you.
Thank you.

Posts: 2

Post by electrochrisso »

No I didn't have a problem I was responding to blackjack1979 about the opacity level, good thing it didn't go through because I did not give the proper answer anyhow. But what can be done is to use the cursor key to move the slider by 10 at a time, so you could get to 60 percent, not sure why it had to be exactly 63%, anyhow like the other post said to use javascript style.opacity = "0.5"; I will look into this and see if style.opacity = "0.63"; works, for my testing.

Anyway at least I know you got this post, thanks for getting back.


Posts: 236

Post by ICR »

Hello Chris,
if you want, you can write your message in the topic about this.
Thank you.
